Online Case Submission

Schedule Availability

Monday – Friday (9am to 5pm)

You can text (786)-459-2474 (Sergio) for Ultrasound Availability
Include Animal Hospital, Ultrasound Type and date needed
(After 5pm or weekends) please email us at
We group similar area clinics together to be efficient 

Ultrasound Packages Definitions

Value – Scanned and reviewed by Lilliane Uribazo, DVM – Appointment only
Comprehensive – Scanned by DR. LU, Reviewed by Specialists. – Appointment only
Advanced – Scanned by DR. LU, Reviewed by Specialists for same day service and or Urgent cases.

Attachments for Ultrasound Studies

When submitting X-Rays to DSU, Please note extra fee for it to be reviewed.

Submit only recent Rad Reports and or up to date Lab work for best results.

Ultrasounds Reports are based on Images obtained from Ultrasound,
Diagnostic Tests results, Medical history, Physical Exams.

Reports needing addendums due to incorrect information submitted will incur fee.

Fax: 888-719-1734 / /

Hospital Information

*This is sent to specialist, please provide important information

Preferred Date*
Hospital Phone*
Text Message*
Email (Reports & Invoices)*
Patient Information
Last Name*
Pet's Name*
Weight (lbs)*

(ABD U.S. +25 for intact pets, requires more images)

Ultrasound Study
Ultrasound Category     (See Ultrasound Packages)
Patient History & Current Main Complaint(Ex, Reason of visit? Why are we doing ultrasound? Owners main complaint?)
Remarkable Physical Exam Findings(Ex, a heart murmur, what grade, distended abdomen, radiographs and blood results?)
Abnormal Diagnostic Findings & Current Therapy
(Ex, Mention abnormal results & med names and dosages pet is on)
Comments for DSU (wont be included on report) :
Please write the text exactly as shown on the image below:
  • To submit any paper work (medical notes, lab work...)
  • To send x-rays, photos and images.

send to:

If your form is complete please click:
Click here to download the form and fill it offline.